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DAS-TEMP $449 plus accessories
32-Channel, Low Cost Temperature Measurement Card for IBM Compatibles


The DAS-TEMP is a 32-channel temperature measurement card for the IBM PC/XT/AT and true compatibles. The DAS-TEMP board offers the ideal system for making temperature measurements in a moderate temperature range. A DAS-TEMP based system is typically more accurate than similar thermocouple based systems in the -25C to 105C degree range and significantly less costly than RTD based configurations. The board is ideal for a variety of laboratory temperature measurements, environmental control and monitoring applications, process temperature monitoring and any other temperature monitoring application which operates in the -25 to 105C range.

The sensors used by the DAS-TEMP (AD-592) are two terminal current sources whose output current is directly proportional to absolute temperature. The sensors' output equals 1 microamp/Kelvin. The probes have a measurement range from -25C to 105C. The current output operating mode of these sensors makes the system immune to wiring resistance variations and most noise sources. The sensors are encapsulated in steel tubes that are 1/4" in diameter. The probes are available in two lengths, 6" and 1.5". A 1/4" compression fitting is also available. The sensors come with 3' of #24 stranded Teflon coated wire.

Software for the DAS-TEMP is provided in three levels. On the top level is a Mouse or Keyboard controlled "pop-up" package that allows the user to monitor temperatures and log data without programming.

The second level of software is a high-level device driver which allows the user to control the board from any software language via simple file read and write commands.

The third level of software is a "callable" driver which allows a user written program to control the board via simple subroutine calls. (These calls are much faster than using a file I/O of the device driver, but are somewhat more difficult to use.)

The DAS-TEMP supports two modes of calibration: manual and automatic. In general, there is no need to do the manual calibration if the board and sensors are calibrated together. For most applications the inherent accuracy of the transducers in conjunction with the factory calibrated board will be sufficient so that no calibration is needed.

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